2025 - I've just completed a WEBSITE REVAMP! Everything is still here but may be in a slightly different place where than you left it and there's also lots of new sections, so if you're having trouble finding something in particular or you spot something that's not working as it should, please do get in touch and I'll do my best to help!
Explore keeping a nature journal with me - feel connected with nature as a way to feel relaxed and re-energized in your everyday life...
Love nature?
Feel like you just need to slow down… stop… detangle from those everyday stresses… unwind and reconnect with the natural world so that you can get back to feeling like your proper self?
That’s me too!
Hello! I’m Lotti and I’m a nature artist and illustrator and nature journaler.
I like to draw and write in my nature journal to de-stress through feeling connected with nature.
It's helping me to take some time out for myself most days - just by regularly connecting with nature in a fun, no-pressure way...
Nature journaling is a fun and easy way to:
All on your own terms and at your own pace!
I want to share with you my nature art and especially my nature journaling ideas...
I hope I can inspire you to get started with nature journaling too and to do it your own way…
The most important thing I’ve learned since starting my journey with nature journaling is that it’s not about making pretty pictures!!
As an artist, I’ve sometimes (like, always) put too much pressure on myself to create ‘perfect’ artworks and in doing so, in a certain way, I’ve forgotten about the real reason to create art and draw…
It’s not for the pretty picture or the end result, although sometimes that’s a bonus. No – drawing is just for fun. It’s for enjoyment!
Personal drawing, like this, is not about the results...
It’s about the process – that’s the process of zoning out from your busy mind and tuning into your senses – basic mindfulness...
Which is why art (of any kind) and/or nature journaling is so good for you, both mentally and emotionally...
And, actually, you don’t have to draw at all, if it’s not your thing (but you'll still get all the benefits of keeping a nature journal). How cool is that? No pressure at all!
If you do love art and creating, though, as I do, I’ve found that this is a fantastic way to improve your skills (whether you're an absolute beginner or already a professional artist) and really connect with your creativity and get lots of ideas for what to draw or paint next...
As well as to draw just for your own personal satisfaction and to experience the many benefits of feeling connected to nature - I'm finding this is more important than anything else!
Come with me and:
Nature journaling doesn’t require getting out in nature for hours or trekking to far flung locations, getting too hot, too cold, or soaking wet (unless you want to, of course)...
You can join in, in really easy and accessible ways, which is what I like to do too!
Some of my best book recommendations for nature lovers and for feeling inspired when keeping a nature journal...
I'll be adding more books to this list all the time - let me know if there's a nature book you love and would like to see here...
I find that keeping a nature journal is great inspiration for creating my nature art and illustrations - explore these here...
There is a difference between nature journaling and nature drawing, though - find out more here...
If you're a crafter, and you'd like to make your own book for nature journaling look here - there's also a template and tutorial for a mini accordion book which you could slip in your pocket to use for your nature journaling, here...
If you'd like to buy a simple notebook for your nature journaling, you can get ones with my art and illustration on - nearly all of my artworks come as a hardcover journal. You can browse them all here!
If you'd like to explore nature journaling more, please consider joining me for my 'Imperfect Nature Journaling' online course - I've called it this to remind us to nature journal for the process of connecting with nature to feel good and not to put pressure on ourselves to create pretty pages which can quickly ruin the fun and the benefits...
It's a series of 20 lessons which are great exercises that you can do in your own nature journal to help you try out different ideas and techniques.
This will help you get the most out of your nature journaling sessions and understand what style of nature journaling is the best for you personally.
If this sounds like something you might like, you can find out more about the course here...
Sign up below for my free email newsletter...
My newsletter is usually sent out once a month (at the end of one month or the start of the following month) and you can unsubscribe any time...
Sign up below...!
Jan 15, 25 05:21 AM
Jan 08, 25 05:12 AM
Jan 06, 25 10:27 AM
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